Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Fibromyalgia and Itching

Because fibromyalgia involves the central nervous system, we get all kinds of strange things goings on with our nerves.  Along with burning, tingling, numbness and pin pricks, we can experience itchiness that can be severe and persistent.


Other skin problems that were reported by people with fibromyalgia included:
  • Excessive sweating - 32 percent
  • Burning sensation of the skin or mucous membranes - 3.4 percent
  • Various unusual skin sensations - 1.7 percent
  • Skin lesions from repetitive scratching, itchy lumps on the arms and legs, or thickened skin areas that itch - 1.9 percent
  • Inflammation of the skin that does not itch - 9.1 percent
  • People with fibromyalgia are more sensitive to pain, sensation, and touch than those without the disorder. As a result, any of the above skin problems may feel prickly or itchy to someone with fibromyalgia.
The cause of itching for people with fibromyalgia is not clear. However, the following may play a part.
Fibromyalgia Itching: 5 Common Remedies:
Fibromyalgia affects the body’s central nervous system. Thus, a number of different problems can result, including the itching, as well as numbness, burning and tingling in the extremities.
  1. Capsaicin Cream
  2. 2. Pain Killers
  3. Ice
  4. Anti-Anxiety Medications
  5. 5. Brain Re-Training

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